I know I do. I freaking love pizza bagels!!
We buy pizza bagels all the time from Costco, and I eat them all the time too! They are delicious and easy to make! Today, I had pizza bagels for lunch!! Won't you enjoy some too?
This is the unopened tray that the bagels are contained in. Can you spot the shy pizza bagel? You can use the tray to microwave them on, so that it supposedly becomes crispier. But wait... what? You are going to stick them into the microwave? Because you're lazy and unappreciative of excellence? No. Just stop. We don't do that here.
Sorry, Microwave. Guess you're stuck with disgusting lean pockets and easy mac.
In this house, we use a toaster oven. Hello, quick and crispy! Won't you cook us up some delicious mini pizza bagels for us to put in our stomach? Here, let me preheat you to four-hundred degrees Fahrenheit and set the timer for fourteen minutes! What was that? Put foil on your aluminum tray so that we don't get melted cheese everywhere? Gladly! Delicious has never been more fun! Now to stick the pizza bagels in...
Out of the freezer, and into the toaster oven! Can someone say "Hot Stuff"?
After fourteen short minutes, we're done! Can you smell the sizzle?
Thanks for joining me through my pizza bagel lunch! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Nope. You probably didn't. Because they all died in my stomach, not yours. Bummer. Sorry!
Hey Eugene! Hmm I was wondering who "EUGEME" was heh. Anyways, I LOOOVEEEE Pizza bagels. They make me feel oh so fat and my tummy oh so happy!
man i wish i was at your house eating pizza bagels instead of chowing down on this partially eaten burrito my dad brought back home....
I'm struggling with this "swimming" deal... theres this part were "swimming" seems to make me intensively hungry more so then any other sport/workout! AAGGghhhh MORE PIZZA BAGELS
sorry, i don't understand the world of "fat-becomers." i spend all my waking hours wishing i was fat, so......
"After fourteen short minutes, we're done!" That's what she said...
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