
Select Photos from New York

Here are some hand-selected photos from the recent New York trip!

They are my favorites. They are re-sized, retouched, and cropped for your enjoyment. Oh, and they were taken from Stephen's camera(which were posted on Jasmine's blog), as I only shot video with mine. You can click the images to view the full size. Enjoy!

Perfect timing in visiting Central Park!



Been practicing that stance for a while now... Yep.


At the Metropolitan.

I personally didn't see any resemblance. Except for the last one ;)

Stephen at Samsung Experience.

I swear I've seen these guys somewhere before!!

Close for comfort.

On our way to Brooklyn.

Retarded. But happy.

On the rooftop. Great view of the Manhattan skyline!

Brother Scheck and the Jungs.



The Kims at Patterson.



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