Anyone who knows me enough to know that I don't own a television can tell you that the lack of cable has never curbed my need for TV shows themselves.
They can also tell you that I spend a considerable amount of time on during the non-summer months streaming such shows as: Fringe, 30 Rock, Heroes, The Office, House, M.D., and so forth. Having discovered Lost four seasons late, I spent nearly three weeks seamlessly watching consecutive episodes off of I have seen every episode of my favorite show, Arrested Development, twice.
But a new masterpiece of creation is dawning on the horizon. I call it, Community. Well, everyone else calls it that too, because that's the name of the show.
Lover's of comedy can rejoice. I'm sure that fans of Arrested Development, 30 Rock, and maybe even The Office can appreciate the quick and witty humor of NBC's Community. Joel McHale, having the lead role, is relatively new on the television scene but delivers like a veteran. There are a slew of other actors playing the role of distinct and heavily interesting characters, but of note are Chevy Chase(yes!) and Ken Jeong.
Ken Jeong gets the spotlight of this post, because I can't stop laughing every time he makes an appearance in this show. Just watch:
Ken Jeong in Community (Embedding was disabled for this video, sorry)
Where You Should Be Right Now 4:34 PM
Nothing says "high-tech" like a program that creates a moving 3D model of your face from a jpeg.
MP Change can do all that. What's more, MP Change can do all that while rendering a "motion picture" of your face in 3D.
So you tell me: Waste tech money on expensive, useless energy particle accelerator hadron colliders? Or three-dimensionally dress yourself up as one of the cast members of "Cats" the musical, FOR FREE?
Click here and let us decide for you.
Hit or Miss 11:53 PM
Looking this good isn't easy.
And looking this good involves sifting through many, many different blogger templates!
So let's hear it: Is this template a hit? Or is it a miss?
Do You Like Pizza Bagels? 7:49 PM
I know I do. I freaking love pizza bagels!!
We buy pizza bagels all the time from Costco, and I eat them all the time too! They are delicious and easy to make! Today, I had pizza bagels for lunch!! Won't you enjoy some too?
This is the unopened tray that the bagels are contained in. Can you spot the shy pizza bagel? You can use the tray to microwave them on, so that it supposedly becomes crispier. But wait... what? You are going to stick them into the microwave? Because you're lazy and unappreciative of excellence? No. Just stop. We don't do that here.
Sorry, Microwave. Guess you're stuck with disgusting lean pockets and easy mac.
In this house, we use a toaster oven. Hello, quick and crispy! Won't you cook us up some delicious mini pizza bagels for us to put in our stomach? Here, let me preheat you to four-hundred degrees Fahrenheit and set the timer for fourteen minutes! What was that? Put foil on your aluminum tray so that we don't get melted cheese everywhere? Gladly! Delicious has never been more fun! Now to stick the pizza bagels in...
Out of the freezer, and into the toaster oven! Can someone say "Hot Stuff"?
After fourteen short minutes, we're done! Can you smell the sizzle?
Thanks for joining me through my pizza bagel lunch! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Nope. You probably didn't. Because they all died in my stomach, not yours. Bummer. Sorry!
pizza bagels
Post of the Century 12:57 AM
This blog entry signifies the first step down a dead-end street; an endeavor inevitably doomed to failure.
But I might have said that people live on knowing that one day they'll perish anyway. And I might have also replied to that previous comment with: "Completely irrelevant. Why did I even bring that up? Shut up, Eugene. Writing in a public journal under the(most likely false) pretense that other people actually care what you have to say? Yeah, totally on the same level as maintaining one's existence ."
Yes. That's what I'd say. Do you know what that means?
It means that if blogging is such a lowly, insignificant undertaking(especially when compared to prolonging the mortality of a human being), then there really is no reason to NOT do it. Irrefutable logic. Right? No? Not even close? Whatever. Go away.
So though quite contrary to the opening statement of this entry, I wish to say to all my new readers:
"Lo and behold! The post of the century! And a pioneer of many to come!"
But I might have said that people live on knowing that one day they'll perish anyway. And I might have also replied to that previous comment with: "Completely irrelevant. Why did I even bring that up? Shut up, Eugene. Writing in a public journal under the(most likely false) pretense that other people actually care what you have to say? Yeah, totally on the same level as maintaining one's existence ."
Yes. That's what I'd say. Do you know what that means?
It means that if blogging is such a lowly, insignificant undertaking(especially when compared to prolonging the mortality of a human being), then there really is no reason to NOT do it. Irrefutable logic. Right? No? Not even close? Whatever. Go away.
So though quite contrary to the opening statement of this entry, I wish to say to all my new readers:
"Lo and behold! The post of the century! And a pioneer of many to come!"