...and today was the first. This is the exact round-trip route I took from my house:
It's exactly 5.9 miles(C is the starting point). I plotted the course on Google Maps, strapped on my running gear, picked up my MP3 player, and headed out. It seemed easy enough. Back in my cross-country days, we would do something similar for practice nearly five times a week.
Hah yeah. Those days are over.
I hate hate hate HATE-FREAKING-DIE this route. If you know anything about Palos Verdes, there are a lot of hills. And SOMEHOW(I don't even know how this is possible), this route mostly takes me uphill. I was panting, I was sweating, I was swearing(good-word swearing), and I was thirsty. It took me an hour and a half when it should have taken me fifty minutes.
AND if you've ever driven to my house you might know about the street Via Valmonte... which is a 0.9 mile 25 degree-ish uphill climb. I virtually crawled up that.
Anyway, I'm gonna keep at it, but I'm gonna shorten my route next time until I can do better.
5.9 mile run biting my face off FTW!