
A Tribute to Spit (and R&B)

I have three hours to finish writing my talk before the actual delivery...

...But I still need to take periodical breaks, right? And what better way to spend that time but to use it on sharpening my beat-boxing and R&B singing skills.

"Eugene, are you serious? Do you actually think you're good?" you may ask. Well, to that I say: "Yes."

(But no, really. This is some pretty retarded stuff. I think I saw a dead bird falling outside my window while recording this.)


Andy said...

Your freaking retarded you bored horo shekki! LOL man.. gotta love the kim gun moe action in the second one.... but your beakboxings not as good as my harmonica beatboxing.... we should battle...

(Btw for those of you who know what a horo shekki is don't worry, we use the term in confidence of its relative understanding)

Anonymous said...

Im going to post it like youtube comments and say 0:54 and 0:59 - 1:01 were the best.
"Do you actually think you're good?" That's what she said.

Jung said...

EUGENE! You are so weird! Hahaha Wow...I am speechless. LOL So Hilarious! Now I know why you didn't sing at NRB. haha

Christy said...

hey you kinda sing like andykim ;P ..
jp ..

why do you do this to yourself eugenechoi?

Andy said...

I'll have you people know eugene sings awesome. Don't let his gorilla hoots, or monkey shreks fool you!

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